Felicitaciones usted ha terminado el proceso de información de nuestro curso para aprender inglés, esperamos que usted haya aprendido muchas cosas en este curso, si usted ha cumplido con todas las indicaciones del señor inglés AL PIE DE LA LETRA usted debería haber mejorado mucho su inglés, ahora le invitamos a hacer la prueba final mediante un test que va a evaluar sus conociemientos adquiridos.
Welcome to the Final English Test!
It is important that you have the following considerations before taking the test.
A- The system evaluates ALL the COMPLETE sentence, therefore the answer is correct or incorrect.
B- Each correct answer has a value of half a point. The final grade will be the total of points divided by 2.
C- You have 2 hours to take this exam and it has a value of 75%.
D- The Listening-speaking part has to be scheduled in advance and it has a value of 25%
Read the instructions carefully before performing the test.
1-Do not use contractions (won’t, isn’t, etc), use the full form (will not, is not, etc).
2-Do not use the symbol of the numbers ( 3, 10, etc), use the name (three, ten, etc).
3-Do not type double blank space between words or a period at the end of the sentence.
4-Type the comma (,) in the indicated place in the sentence.
5-In questions, you have yo write que question mark (?)
Up to 130 points- Level Basic Beginner
Up to 140 points- Level Basic A1
Up to 150 points- Level Basic A2
Up to 160 points- Level Intermedia B1
Up to 180 points- Level Intermedia B2
Up to 190 points- Level Advance C1
Up to 200 points- Level Advance C2